On the Hunt for DNA
The National Police Agency has a DNA database of roughly 1.2 million profiles, about 1% of Japan’s population. In theory, it’s meant to fight crime, but the majority of profiles were collected for minor offenses.
Original or “inspired”? The Asahi’s reporting on the police’s DNA database
2020.08.28 16:00 Makoto Watanabe
Police directive encouraged DNA collection for non-felonies
2020.07.01 18:53 Makoto Watanabe
Lip service to legislation
2020.06.27 20:02 Makoto Watanabe
A DNA database to rival the West
2020.06.25 18:48 Makoto Watanabe
Police unresponsive to questions
2020.06.23 16:40 Makoto Watanabe
Police take DNA for any offense
2020.05.27 18:39 Makoto Watanabe
Right to refuse unmentioned in DNA collection
2020.05.22 17:56 Makoto Watanabe
1.2 million DNA profiles in police database
2020.05.20 20:41 Makoto Watanabe